Terms of service.
Thank you for choosing Well Built American Customs LLC for you repair needs. We are honored that you trust us to provide the best repair results for your vehicle. Please read the following terms and conditions to acknowledge that you understand your responsibilities as the vehicle owner.
1) For all insurance claims please provide us with the name of your insurance company, corresponding claim number, insurance adjuster's name, and the quote provided to you by your insurance company. You can give us a hard copy or you can email one to us at wellbuilt47@gmail.com.
2) We will not order parts for repairs until the vehicle is onsite and in our possession.
3) We cannot release the vehicle back to you until all estimates/supplements are paid in full. If the insurance company sends the check to you, please cash the check immediately and bring it to us. If the insurance check is made out to you AND Well Built, please sign the back of the check and bring it to us so that we may get it deposited.
4) All deductibles are due at the time of completion of the vehicle. We will not release the vehicle back to you until the deductible is paid in full.
5) A $100 storage fee will be charged beginning on the 5th business day after you are notified of the completion of repairs or end of services. We WILL NOT release the vehicle back to you until these fees are paid in total. If storage fees are not paid within 30 days (this 30 day count DOES NOT INCLUDE weekends) and no other arrangements are made with management, a lien will be placed on your vehicle in our name.
5b) If the vehicle is deemed a total loss or repairs halted for any reason by insurance, lien holder, or any other entity then storage fees will be charged starting from 24 hours after the vehicle is brought to our property (these fees do not included weekends). The vehicle will not be released until these fees are paid
6) We are not responsible for any lost, stolen, or damaged personal items left in the vehicle during repairs. This includes cash, electrical devices (phones, tablets, laptops, gaming devices, etc), sunglasses, backpacks, clothing, and sentimental items (key-chains, jewelry, coins, etc). Please be sure to remove any personal belongings from the vehicle prior to dropping the vehicle off for repairs.
7) We are not responsible for any previous damage to the vehicle.
8) We are not responsible for any damage incurred by weather, theft, or vandalism. All claims shall be submitted to your insurance company for loss recovery. We do not have an indoor parking garage and all vehicles are parked on our outdoor lot. We do run 24 hr video surveillance to assist law enforcement and insurance agents.
9) We are not responsible for previous repairs done by another shop that impact our ability to complete the repairs assigned to us (improper paint blending, misaligned body parts, incomplete repairs). These can affect the original timeline estimate as well as add unforeseen costs.
10) We are not responsible for any repairs that are not specifically listed in the original outline of the insurance company (or the customer for self-pay repairs). If there is additional side repairs you want addressed, please notate this on your check in sheet.
11) If the customer or insurance company halts the repairs on a vehicle, for any reason, all work will stop and that vehicle will be pulled out of the shop in whatever condition the vehicle is in when the halt-order was issued. This includes if the roof has been taken off, there is no windshield, the doors are off, etc.
12) Part prices and availability fluctuate depending on many factors. The customer is responsible for the part price at the time of part purchasing, not the time of part estimating. Proof of part price changes will be available.
In the event that a job cannot be completed due to complications of any kind, the customer is responsible for the full payment of any parts that were special ordered for the job. The vehicle will not be released to customer custody until full payment for all special ordered parts is received.
13) In the event a job cannot be completed due to complications of any kind, the customer is responsible for the full payment of any parts that were special ordered for the job. The vehicle will not be released to customer custody until full payment for all special ordered parts is received.